Danielian, SA., Jabbari, F., Zareian, F. (2023). Effects and distribution of semi-active resettable springs on the seismic response of asymmetric structures Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 52(10), 2966-2982.(Link)
Danielian, SA., Jabbari, F., Zareian, F. (2023). Effects and distribution of semi-active resettable springs on the seismic response of asymmetric structures Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 52(10), 2966-2982.(Link)
Behboud, N., Rezaeian, A., Zareian, F. (2023). Test program on stiffened column bases subjected to cyclic loading. Earthquake Spectra, 39 (2).(Link)
Torres-Rodas, P., Medalla, M., Zareian, F., Lopez-Garcia, D. (2022) Exposed Base Plate with Extended Anchor Bolts: Behavior and Design Methodology. Engineering Structures. (Link)
Munjy, H., Habchi, R., Zareian, F. (2022) Validation of Simulated Earthquake Ground Motions for Displacement Response of Building and Bridge Structures Based on Intensity and Frequency Content Parameters. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, (Link)
Kim, W., Laman, J.A., Zareian, F., Min, G., Lee, D. Influence of Construction Joint and Bridge Geometry on Integral Abutment Bridges. Applied Sciences, (Link)
Fayaz, J., Zareian, F. An Efficient Algorithm to Simulate Site-Based Ground Motions that match a Target Spectrum. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. (Link)
Fayaz, J., Xiang, Y., Zareian, F. Generalized Ground Motion Prediction Model (GGMPM) using Hybrid Neural Networks. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. (Link)
Fayaz, J., Rezaeian, S., Zareian, F. (2021) A Method for Evaluation of Simulated Ground Motions based on Probabilistic Seismic Demand Analysis: with an application on CyberShake (15.12) Simulations using Ordinary Standard Bridges. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, (Link)
Fayaz, J., Azar, S., Dabaghi, M., Zareian, F. (2020) Methodology for Validation of Simulated Ground Motions for Seismic Response Assessment: Application to Cybershake Source-based Ground Motions. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. (Link)
Fayaz, J., Azar, S., Dabaghi, M., Zareian, F. (2020) An Efficient Algorithm to Simulate Hazard-Targeted Site-Based Synthetic Ground Motions: application for Ordinary Bridges in Southern California. Earthquake Spectra. (Link)
Fayaz, J., Dabaghi, M., Zareian, F. (2020) Utilization of Site-Based Simulated Ground Motions for Hazard-Targeted Seismic Demand Estimation: application for Ordinary Bridges in Southern California. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, (25) 11, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001634. (Link)
Vaseghiamiri, S., Mahsuli, M., Ghannad, MA., Zareian, F. (2020) Probabilistic Approach to Account for Soil-Structure Interaction in Seismic Design of Building Structures. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, (146) 9, DOI: 1 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002741. (Link)
Rodas, P., Fayaz, J., Zareian, F. (2020) Strength Resistance Factors for Seismic Design of Exposed Base Plate Connections in Special Steel Moment Resisting Frames. Earthquake Spectra, 36(2), 537-553, DOI: 10.1177/8755293019891714. (Link)
Fayaz, J., Riquelme, M., Zareian, F. (2020) Sensitivity of The Response of Box-Girder Seat-Type Bridges to the Duration of Ground Motions Arising from Crustal and Subduction Earthquakes. Journal of Engineering Structures, 219, 110845. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110845. (Link)
Riquelme, M., Lopez-Garcia, D., Zareian, F.(2020) Seismic Characterization of Steel Special Moment Frames Subjected to Megathrust Earthquakes. Earthquake Spectra, DOI: 10.1177/8755293020936716. (Link)
Vaseghiamiri, S., Mahsuli, M., Ghannad, MA., Zareian, F. (2020) Surrogate SDOF models for probabilistic performance assessment of multistory buildings: Methodology and application for steel special moment frames. Journal of Engineering Structures, 212, 110276. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110276. (Link)
Falborski, T., Rodas, P., Zareian, F., Kanvinde, A. (2020) The Effect of Base Connection Strength and Ductility on The Seismic Performance of Steel Moment Resisting Frames. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, (146) 5, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002544. (Link)
Xiang, Y., Naeim, F., Zareian, F. (2020) Evaluation of natural periods and modal damping ratios for seismic design of building structures. Earthquake Spectra, 36(2), 629-646, DOI: 10.1177/8755293019900776. (Link)
Fayaz, J., Zareian, F. (2019) Reliability Analysis of Steel SMRF and SCBF Structures Considering The Vertical Component of Near-Fault Ground Motions. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. 145 (7). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002330. (Link)
Esmaili, O., Zareian, F. Preliminary Design of Moment-Resisting Frame Buildings for Tolerable Financial Loss. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 145 (7). DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002331. (Link)
Galasso, C., Kaviani, P., Tsioulou, A., Zareian, F. (2018) Validation of Ground Motion Simulations for Historical Events using Skewed Bridges. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 1-23, DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2018.1483277. (Link)
Rodas, P., Zareian, F., Kanvinde, A. (2018) A Hysteretic Model for The Rotational Response of Embedded Column Base Connections. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, (115), 55-65, DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2018.08.015. (Link)
Zakeri, B., Zareian, F. (2018) Design of Bridges with Skewed Abutments for a Target Tolerable Seismic Loss. Engineering Structures, (164), 325-34, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.02.020. (Link)
Rodas, P., Zareian, F., Kanvinde, A. (2018) Seismic Demands in Column Base Connections of Steel Moment Frames. Earthquake Spectra, 34(3), 1383-1403, August 2018; DOI: 10.1193/062317EQS127M. (Link)
De Bortoli, M., Zareian, F. (2018) Performance Prediction Equations for Linear Planar Structural Systems: Concept, Formulation, And Validation. Earthquake Spectra, 34(2), 697-718, DOI: 10.1193/110716EQS194M. (Link)
Rodas, P., Zareian, F., Kanvinde, A. (2017) Rotational stiffness of deeply embedded column-base connections. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, (143)8, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001789 (Link)
Omrani, R., Mobasher, B., Zareian, F., Taciroglu, E. (2017) Variability in The Predicted Seismic Performance of A Typical Seat-Type California Bridge Due to Epistemic Uncertainties in Its Abutment Backfill and Shear-Key Models. Journal of Engineering Structures, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.07.018. (Link)
Zakeri, B., Zareian, F. (2017) Bridge Design Framework for Target Seismic Loss. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(10), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001075. (Link)
Esmaili, O., Grant Ludwig, L., Zareian, F. (2017) An Applied Method for General Regional Seismic Loss Assessment—With A Case Study in Los Angeles County. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, p 1-21, DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2017.1284699. (Link)
Rodas, P., Zareian, F., Kanvinde, A. (2016) Hysteretic Model for Exposed Column-Base Connections. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(12), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001602. (Link)
Fardadi, M., Jabbari, F., Zareian, F. (2016). Effectiveness of Resettable Energy Dissipating Devices in Seismic Response Modification of Elastic SDoF Systems. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 45(15), p 2571-2588, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2795. (Link)
Esmaili, R., Anvar, A., Talebbeydokhti, N., Zareian, F. Seismic Safety Evaluation of Concrete Gravity Dams Based on Performance Criteria (Case Study of Hygher Dam). Amirkabir Journal of Science & Technology, 1015-0951. DOI: 10.22060/CEEJ.2018.8580.4366 (in Farsi). (Link)
Esmaili, O., Grant Ludwig, L., Zareian, F. (2015). Improved performance-based seismic assessment of buildings by utilizing Bayesian statistics. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 0098-8847. (Link)
Rezaeian, S., Zhong, P., Hartzell, S., Zareian, F. Validation of Simulated Earthquake Ground Motions Based on Evolution of Intensity and Frequency Content. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 105(6), 0037-1106. (Link)
Beheshti-Aval, B., Mahbanoui, H., Zareian, F. (2013). A Hybrid Friction-yielding Damper to Equip Concentrically Braced Steel Frames. International Journal of Steel Structures, 13(4), 577-587. 1598-2351. (Link)
Kaviani, P., Zareian, F., Taciroglu, E. (2015). Multiphase Performance Assessment of Structural Response to Seismic Excitations. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 0733-9445. (Link)
Zareian, F., Kanvinde, A. Effect of Column Base Flexibility on the Seismic Response and Safety of Steel Moment Resisting Frames. Earthquake Spectra, 8755-2930. (Link)
Galasso, C., Zareian, F., Zhong, P., Iervolino, I., Graves, R. W. (2013). Validation of Ground Motion Simulations for Historical Events using MDoF Systems. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 42(9), 1395-1412. 0098-8847. (Link)
Galasso, C., Zareian, F., Iervolino, I., Graves, R. W. Validation of Ground Motion Simulations for Historical Events using SDOF Systems. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102(6), 2727-2740. 0037-1106. (Link)
Yang, T. Y., Moehle, J. P., Bozorgnia, Y., Zareian, F., Wallace, J. W. (2012). Performance Assessment of Tall Concrete Core-Wall Building Designed using Two Alternative Approaches. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 41(11), 1515-1531. 0098-8847. (Link)
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. (2012). Conceptual Performance-based Seismic Design using Building-level and Story-level Decision Support System. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 41(11), 1439-1453. 0098-8847. (Link)
Kaviani, P., Zareian, F., Taciroglu, E. (2012). Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Bridges with Skew-angled Seat-type Abutments. Engineering Structures, 45, 137-150. 0141-0296. (Link)
Zareian, F., Sampere, C., Sandoval, V., McCormick, D. L., Moehle, J. P., Leon, R. (2012). Reconnaissance of the Chilean Wine Industry Affected by the 2010 Chile Offshore Maule Earthquake. Earthquake Spectra, 28(S1), S503-S512. 8755-2930. (Link)
Zareian, F., Aguire, C., Beltrán, J. F., Cruz, E., Herrera, R., Leon, R., Millan, A., Verdugo, A. (2012). Reconnaissance Report of Chilean Industrial Facilities Affected by the 2010 Chile Offshore Bío-Bío Earthquake. Earthquake Spectra, 28(S1), S513-S532. 8755-2930. (Link)
Kanvinde, A. M., Grilli, D. A., Zareian, F. (2012). Rotational Stiffness of Exposed Column Base Connections – Experiments and Analytical Models. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 138, 549-560. 0733-9445. (Link)
Jalayer, F., Beck, J. L., Zareian, F. (2012). On the Sufficiency of Alternative Scalar and Vector Intensity Measures of Ground Shaking based on Information Theory. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 138, 307-316. 0733-9399. (Link)
Shafei, B., Zareian, F., Lignos, D. G. (2011). A Simplified Method for Collapse Capacity Assessment of Structural Systems. Engineering Structures, 33(4), 1107-1116. 0141-0296. (Link)
Jones, P. S., Zareian, F. (2010). Relative Safety of High-rise and Low-rise Steel Moment-resisting Frames in Los Angeles. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 19(1-2), 183-196. 1541-7794. (Link)
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H., Ibarra, L. F., Lignos, D. G. Basic Concepts and Performance Measures in Prediction of Collapse of Buildings under Earthquake Ground Motions. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 1541-7794. (Link)
Zareian, F., Medina, R. A practical Method for Proper Modeling of Structural Damping in Inelastic Plane Structural Systems. Computers and Structures, 0045-7949. (Link)
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. Structural System Parameter Selection Based on Collapse Potential of Buildings in Earthquake. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 0733-9445. (Link)
Zareian, F. (2008). Work in Progress: Relative Safety of High-rise and Low-rise Buildings in Los Angeles. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 17(6), 1025-1029. 1541-7794. (Link)
Krawinkler, H., Zareian, F. (2007). Prediction of Collapse – How Realistic and Practical Is It, and What Can We Learn from It?. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 16(5), 663-653. 1541-7794. (Outstanding 2007 Journal Paper Award from Los Angeles Tall Building Structural Design Council). (Link)
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. (2007). Assessment of Probability of Collapse and Design for Collapse Safety. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 36(13), 1901-1914. 0098-8847. (Link)
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. (2007). A Simplified Procedure for Performance-Based Design. Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea, 11(4), 11-23. 1226-525X. (Link)
Krawinkler, H., Zareian, F., Medina, R. M., Ibarra, L. F. (2006). Decision Support for Conceptual Performance-based Design. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 35(1), 115-133. 0098-8847. (Link)
Ibarra, L., Adhikari, R., Yan, T., Nagae, T., Asai, T., Fujiwara, J., Zareian, F. (2024). Vertical Accelerations on A 10-Story Steel Building Subjected to Seismic Loading. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024). Milan, Italy.
Behboud, N., Zareian, F. (2024). Assessment of The Seismic Response of Stiffened Column Bases with Multi-row Distributed Anchor Rods. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024). Milan, Italy.
Singhal, S., Zareian, F. (2024). Risk-targeted Ground Motion Intensity and Design EDP for Ordinary Bridges in California. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024). Milan, Italy.
Singhal, S., Zareian, F. (2023). Trends in the Variability of Seismic Damage Index of Bridge Columns: A PDCA Approach. TRB Annual Meeting.
Vaseghiamiri, S., Mahsuli, M., Ghannad, MA., Zareian, F. (2022). Probabilistic surrogate SDOF model for large-scale seismic assessment of multistory buildings. The 13th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2021). June 21-25, 2021, Shanghai, P.R. China.
Danielian, S., Jabbari, F., Zareian, F. (2022). Improved control techniques using a resettable semi-active spring. The 13th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2021). June 21-25, 2021, Shanghai, P.R. China.
Cary, T.J., Mason, H.B., Zareian, F., Luco, N., Rezaeian, S. (2022). Seismic soil-structure-interaction analyses of simplified bridge models. 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (12NCEE). Salt Lake City, Utah – June 2022.
Torres-Rodas, P., Medalla, M., Lopez-Garcia, D., Zareian, F. (2022). Analytical behavior of exposed base plates with extended anchor bolts. 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (12NCEE). Salt Lake City, Utah.
Zareian, F. (2022). The Issue of Ground Motion Directionality. 2022 Annual Meeting of Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council, Los Angeles, California.
Behboud, N., Rezaeian, A., Zareian, F. (2022). Experimental Quantification of The Effect of Leveling Nuts on The Stiffened Column Bases Behavior. 10th International Conference on the Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (STESSA 2022). Timisoara, Romania, 25-27 May 2022.
Singhal, S., Zareian, F. (2022). Estimating Statistical Variation of Seismic Demand Damage Index for Ordinary Standard Bridges in California. ASCE Lifelines Conference 2021-2022. Los Angeles, California – February 2022.
Xiang, Y., Naeiam, F., Zareian, F. (2020). Critical Assessment of Code Torsional Provisions for Low-rise Buildings with Semirigid Diaphragms. SMIP20, Online.
Zareian, F., Rezaeian, S., Fayaz, J. (2020). Progress and Challenges in Validation of Simulated Earthquake Ground Motions for Engineering Practice. AGU Fall Meeting. Online.
Torres, P., Medalla, M., Lopez-Garcia, D., Campos, L., Zareian, F. (2020).Strength Method for Exposed Base Plates with Extended Anchor Bolts. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE). Sendai, Japan.
Medalla, M., Lopez-Garcia, D., Zareian, F. (2020). Seismic Characterization of Steel Buildings Subjected to Megathrust Earthquakes. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE). Sendai, Japan.
Xiang, Y., Zareian, F. (2020). A Damping Element Model for Energy Dissipation Characterization in Building Structures. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE). Sendai, Japan.
Fayaz, J., Xiang, Y., Zareian, F. (2020). Ground Motion Spectral Estimation using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE). Sendai, Japan – September 2020.
Fayaz, F., Dabaghi, M., Zareian, F. (2020). Guidelines for Utilization of Site-Based Simulated Ground Motions for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering of Ordinary Bridges. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE). Sendai, Japan – September 2020.
Cardoni, A., Fayaz, F., Cimellaro, G.P., Zareian, F. (2020). Utilizing Simulated Ground Motions to Quantify Highway Network Performance during Moderate Seismic Events. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE). Sendai, Japan – September 2020.
Xiang, Y., Naeim, F., Zareian, F. (2019). Validation of Caltrans Ordinary Bridge Modeling Approach Using CSMIP Data. SMIP19, Los Angeles, California.
Fayaz, J., Xiang, Y., Zareian, F. (2019). Performance Assessment of Bridges Under A Sequence of Seismic Excitations. 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Crete, Greece.
Fayaz, J., Dabaghi, M., Zareian, F. (2019). Probabilistic Analytical Benchmarking of Source-Based and Site-Based Ground Motion Simulation Models. 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13, Seoul, South Korea.
Riquelme, M., Lopez-Garcia, D., Zareian, F. (2019). Peculiarities of Steel Special Moment Frames Response to Megathrust Earthquakes. XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering ACHISINA2019, Valdivia, Chile.
Fayaz, J., Riquelme, M., Zareian, F. (2019). Sensitivity of The Response of Box-Girder Seat-Type Bridges to the Duration of Ground Motions Arising from Subduction Earthquakes. XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering ACHISINA2019, Valdivia, Chile.
Hudson, M., Briceno, C., Gebelein, J., Acero, G., Cruz, B., Seckler, W., Breaks, M., Cocharn, M., Parkh, N., Zareian, F. (2018). Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) CyberShake Research Project – Use in Building Design/Analysis. Proceedings of the SEAOC 2018 Convention, Palm Desert, California.
Naeim, F., Wallace, J., Lew, M., Carpenter, L., Ghodsi, T., Hart, G., Islam, S., Kumabe, C., Mehrain, M., Sabol, T., Schindler, B., Yin, P., Zareian, F. (2018). 2018 Supplements to the 2017 LATBSDC Tall Building Design Guidelines. 2018 Annual Meeting of Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council, Los Angeles, California.
Xiang, Y., Naeim, F., Zareian, F. (2018). Assessment of ASCE 7 Accidental Torsion Provisions. 2018 Annual Meeting of Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council, Los Angeles, California.
Xiang, Y., Naeim, F., Zareian, F. (2018). Critical Assessment of Accidental Torsion In Buildings with Symmetric Plans using CSMIP Data. SMIP18, Sacramento, California.
Torres, P., Flores, F., Zareian, F. (2018). Seismic Response of Steel Moment Frame Considering Gravity System and Column Base Flexibility. 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Torres, P., Kanvinde, A., Zareian, F. (2018). Hysteretic Models for Column Base Connections. 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Xiang, Y., Zareian, F. (2018). A Damping Element Model for Energy Dissipation Characterization in Building Structures. 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Ebrahimi, S., Tuna, Z., Zareian, F. (2018). Effect of Vertical Component of Ground Motions on Tall Buildings: An RC Dual System Case Study. 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Kakoty, P., Zareian, F. (2018). Quantification of Downtime in A Highway Network During Moderate Seismic Events. 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Munjy, H., Zareian, F. (2018). Efficient Statistical Approximation of Engineering Demand Parameters in Building Structures. 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Xiang, Y., Naeim, F., Zareian, F. (2017). Critical Assessment of Code Torsional Provisions using CSMIP Database of Instrumented Buildings. SMIP17, Berkeley, California.
Zakeri, B., Zareian, F. (2017). Seismic Design of Ordinary Bridges for a Target Loss. EMI 2017, Davis, California.
Xiang, Y., Harris, A., Naeim, F., Zareian, F. (2017). Identification and Validation of Natural Periods and Modal Damping Ratios for Seismic Design and Building Code. 2017 Annual Meeting of Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council, Los Angeles, California.
Valerio Castelo, MS., Torres Rodas, P., Zareian, F., Kanvinde, A. (2017). Seismic Performance of Weak-Base Strong Column Steel Moment Frames. 16th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile.
Zhong, P., Rezaeian, S., Hartzell, S., Zareian, F. (2017). Validation of Simulated Earthquake Ground Motions Based on Evolution of Intensity and Frequency Content. 16th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile.
De Bortoli, M., Zareian, F., Bozorgnia, Y. (2017). Magnitude and Distance Scaling of Engineering Demand Parameters of Moment-Resisting Frame Structures. 16th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile.
Mobasher, B., Omrani, R., Taciroglu, E., Zareian, F. (2016). Seismic Response of Typical Highway Bridges in California to Component Modeling and Characteristics. The 42nd Risk, Hazard, & Uncertainty Workshop, Hydra, Greece.
Xiang, Y., Harris, A., Naeim, F., Zareian, F. (2016). Identification and Validation of Natural Periods and Modal Damping Ratios for Seismic Design and Building Code Applications. SMIP16, Irvine, California.
Harris, A., Naeim, F., Zareian, F. (2015). Quantification of Uncertainty in Estimation of Building Lateral Stiffness and Its Effects on Estimated Economic Loss Due to Seismic Excitation. 2nd Conference on Improving the Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings and Other Structures, San Francisco, California.
Harris, A., Xiang, Y., Naeim, F., Zareian, F. (2015). Identification and Validation of Natural Periods and Modal Damping Ratios for Steel and Reinforced Concrete Buildings in California. SMIP15, Davis, California.
Zareian, F. (2015). Issues with Seismic Rating Systems. 2015 Annual Meeting of Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council, Los Angeles, California.
Zareian, F., Kanvinde, A. (2015). Flexibility of Exposed Column bases: Models and Effects on Seismic Response of Steel Moment Frames. The First International and the Fifth National on Steel and Structure Conference, Tehran, Iran.
Mobasher, B., Omrani, R., Zareian, F., Taciroglu, E. (2014). Sensitivity of Response of Skewed Seat-Type Abutment Bridges to Exterior Shearkey Modeling. Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Zhong, P., Zareian, F. (2014). Method of Speeding Up Buildings Time History Analysis by using Appropriate Downsampled Integration Time Step. 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Anchorage, Alaska.
De Bortoli, M., Zareian, F., Shantz, T. (2014). Significance of Ground Motion Incidence Angle in Seismic Design of Bridges. 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Anchorage, Alaska.
Galasso, C., Zareian, F. (2014). Engineering Validation of Hybrid Broadband Ground Motion Simulation using Historical Events. 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Anchorage, Alaska.
Esmaili, O., Zareian, F., Zhong, P., Joens, P. (2014). Improved Performance-based Seismic Assessment of Tall Buildings By Utilizing Bayesian Statistics. 2014 Annual Meeting of Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council, Los Angeles, California.
Kanvinde, A., Zareian, F. (2013). Column base connections: experiments, simulations and influence on collapse of steel moment resisting frames. Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vienna, Austria.
Kaviani, P., Zareian, F., Taciroglu, E. (2013). Advances in Seismic Response Assessment of Bridges with Skewed Seat-type Abutments. 7th National Seismic Conference on Bridges & Highways.
Omrani, R., Mobasher, B., Zareian, F., Taciroglu, E. (2013). Investigation of the Effects of Model Complexity on The Predicted Seismic Response of Bridge Pile Foundations. 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering.
Galasso, C., Zareian, F., Iervolino, I., Graves, R. W. (2012). Elastic and Post-elastic Response of Structures to Hybrid Broadband Synthetic Ground Motions. 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering/ 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
Galasso, C., Zareian, F., Iervolino, I., Graves, R. W. (2012). UCI-UniNa Joint Research on Engineering Validation of Ground Motion Simulations for Past Events. 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering.
Jalayer, F., Beck, J. L., Zareian, F. (2012). Information-based Relative Sufficiency of Some Ground Motion Intensity Measures. 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering.
Esmaili, R., Anvar, S. A., Talebbeydokhti, N., Zareian, F. (2012). Seismic Performance Evaluation of Concrete Gravity Dams – A Case Study of Pine Flat Dam. 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering.
Esmaili, O., Zareian, F., Grant Ludwig, L. (2012). Seismic Performance of Modern Commercial Low-rise Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings in Los Angeles. 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering.
Lignos, D. G., Putman, C., Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. (2011). Seismic Evaluation of Steel Moment Frames and Shear Walls Using Nonlinear Static Analysis Procedures. Proceedings ASCE Structures Congress, Las Vegas, April 14-16th, ASCE.
Zareian, F., Taciroglu, E., Kavianijopari, P., Haselton, C., Pla-Junca, P. (2011). Performance-based Seismic Assessment of Skewed Bridges. Proceedings 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (8CUEE).
Kavianijopari, P., Zareian, F., Taciroglu, E., Sarraf, M. (2011). Simplified Method for Seismic Performance Assessment of Skewed Bridges. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Corfu, Greece.
Kavianijopari, P., Zareian, F., Sarraf, M. (2010). Comparison of Seismic Response in Skewed Bridges to Near Vs. Far Field Motions. Proceedings 7th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (8CUEE).
Pla-Junca, P., Zareian, F., Kaviani, P., Haselton, C. (2010). Response of Curved-bridges Subjected to Seismic Excitations in Regions of High Seismicity. Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Kaviani, P., Zareian, F., Sarraf, M., Pla-Junca, P. (2010). Sensitivity of Skewed-bridges Response to Seismic Excitations. Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Zareian, F., Lignos, D. G., Krawinkler, H. (2010). Evaluation of Seismic Collapse Performance of Steel Special Moment Resisting Frames Using the ATC-63 Methodology. Proceedings ASCE Structures Congress, Orlando Florida, May 12-15, ASCE.
Lignos, D. G., Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. (2010). A Steel Component Database for Deterioration Modeling of Steel Beams with RBS under Cyclic Loading. Proceedings ASCE Structures Congress, Orlando Florida, May 12-15, ASCE.
Shafei, B., Zareian, F. (2009). Development of Loading Protocols for Drift-Sensitive Nonstructural Building Components. ASCE Structures Congress, Austin/Texas, USA.
Shafei, B., Zareian, F. (2009). Role of Ground Motion Selection Method in Collapse Capacity Assessment of Structures. ASCE Structures Congress, Austin/Texas, USA.
Lignos, D. G., Krawinkler, H., Zareian, F. (2009). Modeling of Component Deterioration for Collapse Prediction of Steel Frames. 6th International Conference on Behavior of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, STESSA 2009, Philadelphia/Pennsylvania, USA.
Krawinkler, H., Zareian, F., Lignos, D. G., Ibarra, L. F. (2009). Prediction of Collapse of Structures under Earthquake Excitations. COMPDYN09, Rhodes, Greece. (Invited paper and keynote lecture).
Zareian, F., Lignos, D. G., Krawinkler, H. (2009). Quantification of Modeling Uncertainties for Collapse Assessment of Structural Systems under Seismic Excitations. COMPDYN09, Rhodes, Greece. (Invited paper in Progress and Challenges in Collapse Prediction, mini-symposium).
Krawinkler, H., Zareian, F., Lignos, D. G., Ibarra, L. F. (2009). Prediction of Collapse of Structures under Earthquake Excitations. 2009 Annual Meeting of Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council.
Jones, P., Zareian, F. (2009). Relative Safety of High-rise and Low-rise Steel Moment-resisting Frames in Los Angeles. 2009 Annual Meeting of Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council.
Shafei, B., Zareian, F. (2008). Development of Quasi-Static Loading Protocols for Displacement-Sensitive Nonstructural Building Components. 14th World Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China.
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H., Lignos, D. G., Ibarra, L. F. (2008). Predicting Collapse of Frame and Wall Structures. 14th World Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China. (Significant Accomplishments and Future Directions in Earthquake Engineering – In Memory of Professor Takuji Kobori (Invited paper)).
Lignos, D. G., Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. (2008). Reliability of a 4-Story Steel Moment Resisting Frame against Collapse Due to Seismic Excitations. ASCE Structures Congress, Vancouver, Canada.
Haselton, C., Baker, J., Goulet, C., Watson-Lamprey, J., Zareian, F. (2008). The Importance of Considering Spectral Shape when Evaluating Seismic Performance under Extreme Ground Motions. In F. Zareian (Ed.), 77th SEAOC Annual Convention, Hawaii, USA.
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. (2007). Sensitivity of Collapse Potential of Buildings to Variations in Structural Systems and Structural Parameters. ASCE Structures Congress, Long Beach/California, USA.
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. (2007). Structural System Selection Using Performance-Based Design. ASCE Structures Congress, Long Beach/California, USA.
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. (2006). Facilitating the Selection of Effective Structural Systems in Performance-Based Design. 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Swiss.
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. (2006). Simplified Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco/California, USA.
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H., Ibarra, L. F. (2006). Why and How to Predict the Probability of Collapse of Buildings. 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco/California, USA.
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. (2005). A Simple Procedure for Performance-Based Design. 74th SEAOC Annual Convention, San Diego/CA, USA.
Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H., Ibarra, L. F. (2005). Design for Collapse Safety. Second International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo, Japan.
Krawinkler, H., Zareian, F., Medina, R. A., Ibarra, L. F. (2004). Contrasting Performance-Based Design with Performance Assessment. International Workshop on Performance-Based Seismic Design, Bled, Slovenia.
Krawinkler, H., Alavi, B., Zareian, F. (2004). Impact of Near-Fault Pulses on Engineering Design. International Workshop on Future Directions in Instrumentation for Strong Motion and Engineering Seismology, Kusadasi, Turkey. KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS B.V.
Zareian, F., Ibarra, L. F., Krawinkler, H. (2004). Seismic Demands and Capacities of Single-story and Low-rise Multi-story Woodframe Structures. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Canada.
Akelyan, S., Brandow, G., Carpenter, L, Ekwueme, C., Ghodsi, T., Islam, S., Kashefi, I. Kolozvari, K., Lew, M., Mehrain, M., Naeim, F., Sabol, T., Schindler, B., Yin, P., Youssef, N., Wallace, J., Zareian, F., Zekioglu, A. (2023). An Alternative Procedure for Seismic Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings Located in The Los Angeles Region (2023 Edition), Los Angeles Tall Building Structural Design Council.
Akelyan, S., Brandow, G., Carpenter, L, Ekwueme, C., Ghodsi, T., Islam, S., Kashefi, I. Kolosvari, K., Lew, M., Mehrain, M., Naeim, F., Sabol, T., Schindler, B., Yin, P., Yousef, N., Wallace, J., Zareian, F., Zekioglu, A. (2018). An Alternative Procedure for Seismic Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings Located in The Los Angeles Region (2020 Edition), Los Angeles Tall Building Structural Design Council.
Brandow, G., Brugger, L., Carpenter, L, Ekwueme, C., Gavan, J., Ghodsi, T., Hart, T., Huang, S., Kumabe, C., Kashefi, I., Lew, M., Martin, J., Mehrain, M., Naeim, F., Sabol, T., Schindler, B., Yousef, N., Wallace, J., Yin, P., Zareian, F., Zekioglu, A. (2018). An Alternative Procedure for Seismic Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings Located in The Los Angeles Region (2017 Edition with 2018 Supplements), Los Angeles Tall Building Structural Design Council.
Brandow, G., Brugger, L., Carpenter, L, Ekwueme, C., Gavan, J., Ghodsi, T., Hart, T., Huang, S., Kumabe, C., Kashefi, I., Lew, M., Martin, J., Mehrain, M., Naeim, F., Sabol, T., Schindler, B., Yousef, N., Wallace, J., Yin, P., Zareian, F., Zekioglu, A. (2015). An Alternative Procedure for Seismic Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings Located in The Los Angeles Region (2014 Edition with 2015 Supplements), Los Angeles Tall Building Structural Design Council.
Zareian, F., Lignos, D. G., Krawinkler, H. (2011). Seismic Design Modification Factors for Steel SMRFs for Uniform Collapse Safety. In M. Dolšek (Ed.), Protection of the built environment against earthquakes. (pp. 135-146). Springer. 978-94-007-1447-2.
Krawinkler, H., Zareian, F., Lignos, D. G., Ibarra, L. F. (2010). Significance of Modeling Deterioration in Structural Components for Predicting the Collapse Potential of Structures under Earthquake Excitations. In M. Fardis (Ed.), Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. 2 edition. Vol. 13. (pp. 173-181). New York: Springer. 978-90-481-8745-4.
Zareian, F., Haselton, C. (2009). Findings for Modern 12-Story Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall (Building D), Subjected to M 7.0 Scenario. In C. Haselton (Ed.), Evaluation of Ground Motion Selection and Modification Methods: Predicting Median Interstory Drift Response of Buildings. 9. Vol. 2009/01. (pp. 155-175). Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research.
Goulet, C., Zareian, F., Haselton, C. (2009). Findings for Modern 4-Story Reinforced Concrete Moment-Resisting Frame (Building A), Subjected to M 7.0 Scenario. In C. Haselton (Ed.), Evaluation of Ground Motion Selection and Modification Methods: Predicting Median Interstory Drift Response of Buildings. 6. Vol. 2009/01. (pp. 83-101). Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research.
Krawinkler, H., Zareian, F. (2008). Effect of P-Delta and Deterioration on Pushover Target Displacement. In R. Bento, R. Pinho (Eds.), 3D Pushover 2008 – Nonlinear Static Methods for Design/Assessment of 3D Structures. Lisbon, Portugal. IST Press. 978-972-8469-76-4.
Lowes, L., Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. (2005). Analytical Models of Structural Systems. In H. Helmut (Ed.), Van Nuys Hotel Building Testbed Report: Exercising Seismic Performance Assessment. 4.3. Vol. 2005/11. (pp. 59-72). Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research.
Lowes, L., Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H. (2005). Prediction of EDPs for Damage Assessment. In H. Krawinkler (Ed.), Van Nuys Hotel Building Testbed Report: Exercising Seismic Performance Assessment. 4.4. Vol. 2005/11. (pp. 72-84). Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research.
Cornell, A., Zareian, F., Krawinkler, H., Miranda, E. (2005). Prediction of Probability of Collapse. In H. Krawinkler (Ed.), Van Nuys Hotel Building Testbed Report: Exercising Seismic Performance Assessment. 4.5. Vol. 2005/11. (pp. 85-93). Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research.